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White-throated needletail swift of Japan

One of the my favourite wild birds flying 105 mph summer migrant, so cool! We have been photographing their swallowing water on flying at the pond in July. Of course done this year.
今回は 上空での "プルプル水払い" と "正面の飛翔水飲み" を撮りたいと思いました。天気予報は曇り雨でpm4:00でもターゲットの登場は薄め😅、まずは様子見です。

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ハリオアマツバメ 2024:正面水飲み と 上空プルプル_d0360547_07565778.jpg

(上) 薄陽が射す中、とりあえずお馴染みのシーンでウォームアップ。
(下) "プルプル" はまず瞬膜を閉じて口を開き、そして口を大きく開けてプルプルッ!! 針尾もよくわかります。(トリミングあり)

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ハリオアマツバメ 2024:正面水飲み と 上空プルプル_d0360547_07565750.jpg


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ハリオアマツバメ 2024:正面水飲み と 上空プルプル_d0360547_07565886.jpg

# by birdphotosjpn | 2024-07-20 08:05
Common Kingfisher and yellow, pink and green in the background.

We photographed kingfisher with spring color in this year as ever. They already had been prepared for nesting.

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春色カワセミ 2024:桜と菜の花と_d0360547_17385408.jpg

春色カワセミ 2024:桜と菜の花と_d0360547_17385474.jpg

春色カワセミ 2024:桜と菜の花と_d0360547_17385566.jpg


# by birdphotosjpn | 2024-04-11 17:43


Osprey in the neighborhood.

In general we can watch the hunting of osprey at oceanfront, estuaries of big river and lakes. Mainly in countryside.
This is the site of osprey hunting nearby where we live in Tokyo Metropolitan. So much rare and special.





# by birdphotosjpn | 2024-03-16 08:34
Osprey hovered and grabbed a big fish!

Osprey sometimes called fish hawk, sea hawk, and river hawk takes mainly live fish of its diet. Before attacking a big fish, it's hovering in the air to focus on the target. So cool!
ミサゴを狙うならホバリングからの狩り。まずは風向き, そして光線状態を押さえたら距離は運次第です。今回 条件は揃ったものの, ホバは雲ひとつ無い青空で奥行き不足になってしまいました。

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ミサゴ 2023-24:ホバリングと狩り_d0360547_17350324.jpg

ミサゴ 2023-24:ホバリングと狩り_d0360547_17350327.jpg

Got maybe a 14 in and 4 lb carp at that time. Not bad?! No, it dropped a fish after this unfortunately.
そして狩り。空振りシーンだった前回と違い, 魚の向きは悪いものの掴んでくれて良かったです。(この後落としちゃいますがw)

ミサゴ 2023-24:ホバリングと狩り_d0360547_17354281.jpg

ミサゴ 2023-24:ホバリングと狩り_d0360547_17354274.jpg

ミサゴ 2023-24:ホバリングと狩り_d0360547_17354219.jpg


# by birdphotosjpn | 2023-12-23 17:38
Sea Eagles of Japan

White-tailed eagle and Steller's sea eagle are Sea eagles of Japan and winter migrant from Okhotsk so Sakhalin and Kamchatka to northern Japan Hokkaido. I think there is less their arrival than usual this season. It might be that the reason is a poor catch of salmon, or global warming. I've no idea.
風は無く, 雪も無く。気嵐(けあらし)の海とオジロワシ。例年は常に強風と雪か鉛色の空なのですが。

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初冬の海ワシ 2023-24:少し異変が…_d0360547_16494897.jpg

初冬の海ワシ 2023-24:少し異変が…_d0360547_16494817.jpg


初冬の海ワシ 2023-24:少し異変が…_d0360547_16494757.jpg

# by birdphotosjpn | 2023-12-16 16:54