2020年 01月 25日
Common Kingfisher in the neighborhood.
In Japan, Common Kingfisher can be watched easily at urban streams and ponds. Before the mating season of them, they are very active now. Our photographing season for kingfisher has started! Sony A9, called 'alpha9' in Japan, burst shot continuously had kept focusing the target flying even such a hard situation.
いきなり飛んで来て目の前, 枝どまり寸前です。ヘタクソなのでフレームの良い位置に入ったのは2枚だけでした。それでも, カワセミはやっぱり可愛いですね。(機材のAF追従機能の進化は凄いです)
by birdphotosjpn
| 2020-01-25 07:14