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Exposure setting and developing for Short-eared Owl.

Okay, we post two shots included a front face reposting pic used for a short limited time last month in response to a request by anonymous. And it will be the answer that I made exposure compensation in A mode '-2 f stop' at the photographing because the target looked so whitish against the dark woods in the background. Edited contrast low slightly by Lightroom and just resizing by Photoshop with no cropping no trimming no editing. That's all, thx!

Exposure setting and developing for Short-eared Owl._d0360547_08081798.jpg

Exposure setting and developing for Short-eared Owl._d0360547_08083078.jpg

We unfortunately have no wildbird-photographing plan for the time being.

by birdphotosjpn | 2020-03-13 08:11