2023年 03月 30日
桜カワセミ [ I ]:2023 菜の花をバックに
Kingfisher & SAKURA, Canola flower in the background
Pink, Yellow, Green, and Blue like this is the spring color in Japan we love. Having said that, not easy to watch or photograph them all at the same time. Especially Common Kingfisher blue. We were in luck!!
私たちしかいないのでカワセミさんは 'まったりモード'。背景の菜の花や桜の前ボケを変えたりと ゆっくり撮らせてもらえました。
It doesn't occur very often that kingfisher perched on the cherry branch in full bloom even in Japan.
by birdphotosjpn
| 2023-03-30 17:53