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ミサゴ 2023-24:ドボン! だけど…あれッ?!

No way, it's gone!

Osprey called 'MISAGO' in Japanese has coming to the southern in autumn Japan. In recent years, such a location shifted gradually northward that might be affected by global warming. But global warming problem gave us the opportunity to photograph them at the river of neighborhood.
As a result, bad luck. Looks these photos. Hunting fail and flew away.
久しぶりに撮影再開です。例年 秋は恒例の場所でスタートするのですが今シーズンは残念。で, ミサゴです。
目の前でダイブ!! なのに 'アレレ??' 狩は失敗、あっちに行っちゃいましたw (風向きは計算通りだったのですが)

ミサゴ 2023-24:ドボン! だけど…あれッ?!_d0360547_14591757.jpg

ミサゴ 2023-24:ドボン! だけど…あれッ?!_d0360547_14591764.jpg


ミサゴ 2023-24:ドボン! だけど…あれッ?!_d0360547_14591796.jpg

ミサゴ 2023-24:ドボン! だけど…あれッ?!_d0360547_14591619.jpg

by birdphotosjpn | 2023-11-25 15:05