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Okay, we post two shots included a front face reposting pic used for a short limited time last month in response to a request by anonymous. And it will be the answer that I made exposure compensation in A mode '-2 f stop' at the photographing because the target looked so whitish against the dark woods in the background. Edited contrast low slightly by Lightroom and just resizing by Photoshop with no cropping no trimming no editing. That's all, thx!

Exposure setting and developing for Short-eared Owl._d0360547_08081798.jpg

Exposure setting and developing for Short-eared Owl._d0360547_08083078.jpg

We unfortunately have no wildbird-photographing plan for the time being.

# by birdphotosjpn | 2020-03-13 08:11
Common Kingfisher flying anywhere.

Flying, swimming under water, and jumping out! Common Kingfisher of Japan is full of beans in February the season for mating. Beautiful blue color body is also shining.




# by birdphotosjpn | 2020-02-20 02:20
Ural Owl in magic hour.

Ural Owl appears at before sunset. We could watch them in beautiful golden hour and blue hour like pics below in luck.






# by birdphotosjpn | 2020-02-13 07:12
Short-eared Owl in hunting; 2020 winter.

We love Short-eared Owl winter migratory wild bird of Japan. In this winter they had migrated to this area later than usually in December. The reason might be the global warming, as a practical matter less snow this highland of Japan in February. Someday, they may stop migration into Japan.

コミミズクの飛翔 2020:もちろん狩モードです_d0360547_07161856.jpg

コミミズクの飛翔 2020:もちろん狩モードです_d0360547_07163403.jpg


コミミズクの飛翔 2020:もちろん狩モードです_d0360547_07164655.jpg

コミミズクの飛翔 2020:もちろん狩モードです_d0360547_07160560.jpg

It was the great time, even for just waiting Short-eared Owl appearance, spending with friends at that place.

# by birdphotosjpn | 2020-02-07 07:22
Common Kingfisher of Tokyo.

Very cute Common Kingfisher with beautiful blue body is a good photogenic model for japanese birders. Yes sure!, of course we love too.
ご近所のカワセミさん、まったり姿の寄りと引きで。追いかけなければ, この子達は近寄っても大丈夫。可愛いですね。




# by birdphotosjpn | 2020-02-02 20:20